Next court appearance may decide fate of Shakesides
Category : News
On May 12, 2021, lawyers for the Town of Comox filed a “Notice of Intention to Proceed” with the Attorney General of BC and the BC Supreme Court. The purpose of this court appearance is to get a court ruling on the merits of the Town’s request to revise the Mack Laing Trust, so that the trust property, Shakesides house in Mack Laing Park, can be demolished.
The summer court break gives the MLHS an opportunity to raise funds for this final court appearance.
The MLHS is offering an online auction of special items donated by members and supporters. The online auction appears on the MLHS website HERE.
Bids will be recorded and payment is by PayPal. Arrangements can be made for local delivery or parcel post shipment.
A special selection of items has been donated by the family of the late Ruth Dickson (1918-2021), a local artist and writer. These items will gradually be listed for auction.
Auction items will be changed periodically, so be sure to revisit the auction pages.
Donations may also be made through our GoFundMe page, and supporters may become members or make a donation via PayPal links on the Supporters page of this website.