MLHSCVlogoThis site is presented by the Mack Laing Heritage Society of the Comox Valley

NEW: The Mack Laing Heritage Society has compiled a Historial Timeline for download. This includes main highlights of the life of Hamilton Mack Laing, plus a history of the MLHS to May 23, 2023 (this date will change when revisions to the Timeline are posted.
Timeline (pdf -3.3MB)


Our Mission Statement:

1) To fulfill the stated wishes of Mack Laing’s 1981 Will and Testament: “that my home be used as a natural history museum,” as faithfully as possible.

2) To oversee the restoration and maintenance of Mack Laing’s home.

3) To maintain and promote the dissemination of Mack Laing’s environmental values and legacy.

4) To fundraise annually to maintain a variety of environmental programmes of interest to the general public throughout the Comox Valley and to the Town of Comox.


In 2013, the Mack Laing Committee, an association of members of Comox Valley Naturalists, Project Watershed, and Comox citizens, created The Mack Laing Heritage Society of the Comox Valley. It was incorporated as a B.C non-profit on May 20, 2014.

The Mack Laing Heritage Society Board of Directors

AGM held on May 5, 2024

2024 Executive:

Jim Boulter

Lawrence Buser

Angela Burns

John Duncan

Allison Gillespie

Barbara Martin

We sincerely thank all our executive and members, past and present, for the time and effort used to assist us in our endeavours.



2020-06-04 at 10:53 am

Thank you for doing all you can to save Shakesides and making Comox council accountable. I’ve lived in the Comox Valley all my life and am disgusted with the destruction of all our heritage and character buildings. Turning our seaside town of Comox into, ” Condomox”. Keep up the good work and thank you.

Taylor Smith

2021-08-18 at 11:38 am

Hi my name is Taylor and I have been running Children’s education programs in Mack Laing with Hand in hand nature outdoor education. I am curious if is ok to remove English ivy with my students ? I realize we have to take it away after as well. This would be a great opportunity for kids to learn about nature preservation.

Mary Whyte

2022-03-13 at 2:25 pm

I have some Mack Laing ‘Canadian Birds’ art prints. Are you interested in having them donated to auction for fundraising?

Trina Pacey

2022-12-03 at 10:48 am

Was there a decision made at the recent meeting regarding the future of Shakeside? I have not found anything when I search for any articles on it.

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